New Digs

Finally!  We’ve moved into our new space.  We were hoping to be in March 1, 2023 but supply chain issues prevented the completion of the electrical system until mid-August.  We eventually received the keys on September 7, 2023.

Next items on the list to do, were the Tenant Improvements and our Alcohol Licenses.

In terms of Tenant Improvements, we had to add a floor drain for the commercial sink and dishwasher.  This also required upsizing the water heater.  We also had to build a service counter and install cabinets for the Tasting Room.

After a month of work the Tasting Room was done

Next thing was the Alcohol Licenses.  When it comes to the government and alcohol, nothing is simple or easy or reasonable.  We found out we had to obtain each license in sequence.  Turns out you need your Federal license to get the Idaho State license and then both of those for the Ada County and City of Eagle Retail Sales licenses.  Beginning to end it was almost 4 months to get all our licenses in place.

After all of the above delays, we are finally ready to open for business.

Grand Opening: Valentine’s Day, February 14, 2024

Chocolates by Sweet Leesa’s
Wine Cookies by Bella Biscoterria